
Fire Retardant Aerogel Insulation


Fire Retardant Aerogel Insulation

Sc_Foam_FR is a thin and flexible fire retardant insulation, infused with NASA’s aerogel technology, creating the ultimate thermal barrier for applications that require performance in extreme temperatures where safety and efficiency are a priority.

How Can Sc_Foam_FR Improve Your Products?

Sc_Foam_FR is an innovative insulation solution engineered to meet the critical demands for electric vehicle (EV) batteries and HVAC systems. Solarcore’s advanced aerogel insulation prevents thermal propagation, ensuring safety, performance, and longevity for EV. Additionally, its thermal properties help regulate temperature and dampen acoustics, helping HVAC systems run more quietly and efficiently.

Application-Specific Composites

Whether for the preservation of battery life, prevention of thermal propogation or maximum insulative efficiency, Sc_Foam_FR can be easily paired with other composites like mylar, kevlar and wool.





Aerogel + Fire

Solarcore is solely focused on building insulative products utilizing NASA’s aerogel technology. As the lowest thermally conductive solid on the planet, Solarcore’s Sc_Foam_FR is a perfect composite to deliver incredible thermal performance and fire retardancy.

Sc_Foam_FR has passed UL 94 standards critical to key use
case applications such as HVAC, EV batteries and more.

The Detailed Specifications & Properties of Sc_Foam_FR